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Day eight is all about getting back to the basics. Give yourself a task in each area of your life that you must do everyday. I break my life down into four pillars; personal, professional, financial, and spiritual. My tasks this week are:

Personal – make up my bed (not just pull the covers) and stretch to touch my toes before I go to be bed.
Professional – write no less than one paragraph of my next book.
Financial – balance my account everyday.
Spiritual – spend at least 10 minutes each day in silence to clear my head.

Of course there are so many other things that need to be done in each area but those things listed are the absolute minimum that I must do everyday. Make a list of one or two things that you MUST do everyday. Start small and build on that. I tend to pile on the tasks and say yes to everything. Don’t do that! You have permission to say no!

Feel free to tell me how things are going. It can only help inspire the group.

Big Hug!

Yes, I have been MIA. Day 7 is about resting and starting to move forward from our discoveries from day one through day six. As I stated, I’m working on my stuff with you. And so I’m back.

The next few days are about acceptance and taking action to lay the ground work to create a solid foundation and lifestyle to work from.

I, like some of you, have gotten off track. I don’t recognize my own life. But, like you, I am in control of the outcome and what happens next. I see where things got of track and I am doing things to get back on course. I have crafted a new budget. I’m back to eating better. I’m not obsessing about the scale but I am aware I need to work on some things. I have a plan for my career and I am allowing my sadness but I am no longer allowed to complain. I have reinstated the right to excuse myself if I cannot manage a situation.

Give yourself time to heal. We’ll get there together.

Big Hug!

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August 2012